CWDM Dual Band High AoI

High AOI dual band filters are designed for meeting the needs of cCWDM (compact CWDM) Demux modules. They make free space Demux module design possible using our multiband filters. These filters are designed for AOI’s from 10 to 13.5 degrees and cover the full band blocking wavelength range from 1260 to 1620 nm. The high AOI dual band CWDM filters inherit our low AOI dual band filter’s functionality and performance.

Product Specifications:

Optical Specifications
Adjacent Channel Isolation [dB] 30
Angle of Incidence [degrees] 10
AR on Back Surface [%R] 0.2
Operating Temperature Range [deg C] -30 to +85
Operating Wavelength Range [nm] 1260 to 1620
Pass Band Range 1462.5-1477.5 & 1522.5-1537.5
Pass Band Ripple [dB] 0.2
Peak Insertion Loss within Pass Band [dB] 0.2
Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) [dB] 0.05
Reflection Band Wavelength Range [nm] 1260-1457.5 & 1482.5-1517.5 & 1542.5-1620
Storage Temperature Range [deg C] -40 to +85
Temperature Coefficient [pm/deg C] 1
Physical Specifications
Part Size Width [mm] Length [mm] Thickness [mm]
1.4 1.4 1.0
Surface Quality 60/40
Wedge Angle [degs] 0.2
商品コード: Ex-CWDM-High-AoI-Dual-Band カテゴリー: , ,