Narrow Band Dual Pass Filter
Taking advantage of years of experience and expertise in design and manufacture of multi-band filters, Iridian has expanded our capabilities to include narrow band, DWDM dual band pass filters (“DWDM-DB”).
The pass bands widths possible with this new approach enable us to combine such functions as ITU 100GHz DWDM 2skip0 bands and 100G DWDM + CWDM dual band combinations.
We now offer the capability to extend this dual band pass module/system design into DWDM modules. The dual band pass filters need to group DWDM channels have narrow pass band widths and steep transitions to reflection bands in comparison to the legacy CWDM dual band pass filters. In contrast to an approach based on single band filter, DWDM dual pass filters provide advantages with respect to insertion loss, component count, and footprint.
We have some samples available for customer testing:
1) DBPF 2skip0 – Ch46.5/Ch18.5;
2) DWDM 1532.68 + CWDM 1611.
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