How Compensating Gain Flattening Filters Improve PPEF Performance. Iridian’s premium compensating GFFs offer a means to better control PPEF using what is known as the multi-design compensating method.

How to Choose a Raman Filter for Drug ID And Characterization
By Hongbai Lao, Iridian Spectral Technologies Drug developers depend on accurate identification and molecular analysis of the components within...
Improving DWDM Module Performance with Narrow Dual Band Pass Filters
By Xiaolun Zeng, Michelle Briere, and Rebecca Saaltink, Iridian Spectral Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) enables fiber-optic...
How Premium GFFs Improve EDFA Performance And Optimize Module Design
Iridian’s premium GFFs deliver higher-level performance than traditional GFFs to meet stringent PPEF specifications, as well as provide additional...
Optical filters and Etalons for Datacom Applications
Data center evolution is driving demand for ever-higher data transmission rates, necessitating innovation in data center optical interconnect...
Handheld Raman vs “Fingerprint” Applications and the Different Optical Filters that Enable Them
Raman spectroscopy is a powerful and increasingly ubiquitous analytical tool capable of identifying molecular constituents of samples under test and, when combined with microscopy, exploring specific cellular structures and functions. Non-invasive, non-contact, requiring no sample preparation or chemical tagging – it is no wonder that Raman has established a presence as an invaluable analytical technique both in labs and in the field.
Solving PCR Filter Challenges For High-Performance qPCR Instruments
qPCR instrument users need high sensitivity and pristine signal clarity to achieve numerous delicate tasks. The right combination of optical filters significantly improves this functionality.
The Application of WDM Channel Skip Filters
Channel skip filters are components added to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) add/drop modules — in both coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) applications — to facilitate band splitting and to manage multiple ITU channels.
These filters feature narrow transitions from pass band to blocking band, minimizing lost channels while maintaining high spectral efficiency (i.e., limiting insertion loss) since the express channels undergo only one reflection.
Advantages of Multiple Band Pass Filters in Telecommunications Applications
In wavelength-division multiplexer (WDM) and passive optical network (PON) modular design, single band pass filters and multiple band pass filters are used for the same purpose: permitting narrow wavelength ranges to pass through while rejecting wavelengths outside that range (known as the filter’s upper and lower cutoff frequencies).
Multiple band pass filters are used to transmit two or more standard coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) channels, separating them from the other CWDM bands — replacing two or more single band pass filters with a single component.
Hybrid Gain Flattening Filters in Optical Fiber Amplifiers
Much like vehicle hand cranks in their day, the use of a gain flattening filter (GFF) paired with a wavelength- division multiplexer (WDM) in optical fiber amplifiers – such as erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) — has been accepted not because it is ideal, but because a superior solution had yet to be created. Until now.
This article explains what a Hybrid GFF is and how it works. It also details the advantages of using Iridian Spectral Technologies’ Hybrid GFFs in lieu of a conventional two-filter setup in EDFA and other optical filter applications.

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